Local Govt Elections: We Will Be Nuetraul To All Political Party - OYSIEC Boss
Local Govt Elections: We Will Be Nuetraul To All Political Party - OYSIEC Boss Local Govt Elections: We Will Be Nuetraul To All Political Party - OYSIEC Boss By BOWA MEDIA The Chairman , Oyo State Independent Electoral Commission , (OYSIEC ) , Aare Isiaka Olagunju , has disclosed that the commission would not engage electoral officers based on political affliation but thier credibility for the purpose of achieving acceptable polls at the grassroots. Olagunju , made the disclosure during the visit of the commission to office of the State Director , National Orientation Agency (NOA) , in Ibadan . The Chairman , who spoke through one of the board members , Hon Emmanuel Olanrewaju , said the board will rely largely on staffers of the commission for the job ahead to prevent unforseen circumstances . He hinted further that his team remain committed to the conduct of unbiased poll , hence , it was essential for political parties to abide by the rules guiding local government counc...